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Continue ShoppingFaith in God (“F.I.G.”) Youth Ministry is a dynamic, growing force in the Great Commission Church. This vital ministry teaches the next generation to have unshakeable faith in the living God and to love Him with all their heart. Check out our upcoming events and share your thoughts with us today at
• F.I.G. youth are all about having faith in God. We are the next generation of disciples of Jesus Christ who can move mountains with our faith.
• We stand for Christ, purity and purpose.
• We worship God with all our hearts, mind and soul.
• We are young ministers who sing, dance, preach and evangelize our world.
Friday services are specially designed for you! The youth lead the service and lots of awesome things happen during this service including:
• Praise & Worship
• Bible Studies
• Skits
• Dances
• Special rehearsals
The Van Ministry is here to serve you! Just give us a call and we’ll make all the necessary arrangements to pick you up for the Friday Youth Service: (718) 974–2213. The Van is also available on Sundays.
At GCC, we have a lot of events and activities planned for this year. Check out these upcoming special events:
See the church calendar for additional information.
Have you invited Jesus to come into your heart yet? What are you waiting for? He loves you just as you are so ask Him to come into your heart today. As youth we must never be ashamed of our faith in Jesus so we have created this section of the F.I.G. Youth webpage to tell you why we believe.
“I believe in the Lord because He forgave me of all my sins and loves me forever. He’s always there for me and I know that He will never leave me.”
- Lexi
Andre Weekes, 17 years old
Andre is in the 12th grade, preparing for college, and serving in numerous leadership positions in the church. He serves as a youth leader, usher, and plays the drum during certain services. Andre is a stellar example among his peers and we pray that he will continue to have faith in God and serve Him wholeheartedly!
There are MANY ways of getting involved in GCC. Here are just a few ideas:
• Youth Choir
• Youth Sunday Service
• Ushering (must be at least 12 years old)
• Children’s Ministry Assistant
“So, my brothers, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might” (Eph. 6:10). This is one of my favorite verses in the Bible because it reminds us that our strength and power comes from the Lord and not ourselves. God is with you to help you overcome any challenges you face in school, with your parents and even drama with your friends! Stay strong in the Lord, no matter what!
- Sis La Toya
Remember, we’re here for you! Email a youth leader if you need ANYTHING: